A New York band, they started in 1992 before releasing their 1996 album on a major label, High/Low, from which the single 'Popular' became a cult favourite. They followed up with The Proximity Effect, which the major label refused to issue, instead going to an indie label.
Their third album, Let Go, is one of my favourites. I sent Let Go to a friend in the United States and introduced him to Nada Surf. He was lucky enough to attend a concert last year and sent me a signed copy of their fourth album The Weight Is a Gift.
I am so looking forward to the latest album, Lucky, which will be released in Australia on 18 February.

CD cover of Let Go

CD cover of Lucky

clip for 'Popular'
(live) clip for 'Blonde On Blonde' from Let Go
(studio) clip for 'Blizzard of 77' from Let Go
(studio) clip for 'Always Love' from Let Go
clip for 'Blanket Year' from The Weight is a Gift
clip for 'Whose Authority' from the forthcoming album Lucky
See also Reuters article of 8 December 2007
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